I am warm, engaged, and focused. Other adjectives that describe me are: empathetic, creative and perceptive.
I grew up by the Zurichsee and moved to Kanton Zug in 2011. After completing my studies in psychology at Zurich University, I trained in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). This has allowed me to use my joy of working with people, my empathy, my inquisitive mind-set and problem-solving attitude in the work I do every day.
Further training in emotion focused psychotherapy has added on to my wide spectrum of psychotherapeutic skills and allows me to tailor my therapy to individual clients and their needs. This includes further training in treatment of episodic and chronic depression (IPT, CBASP), and many years of psychotherapy experience at the clinic Zugersee, including on a unit that specialises in psychotherapy and treatment of depression.
2017 -
Klinik Zugersee, Zentrum für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Triaplus AG, Oberwil bei Zug
Clinical psychologist on the special unit for psychotherapy with privately insured clients "Psychotherapie Privé"
Unit for privately insured patients with various forms of psychological and somatic disorders, with emphasis on the treatment of depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder and stress-related illness (burnout, sleep and pain disorders).
Conceptualisation and leading of group therapy such as CBASP, training of emotional competencies, emotion-regulation group, group therapy with focus on values and lifeline based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).
2013 - 2017
Psychiatrische Klinik Zugersee, Oberwil bei Zug
Clinical psychologist on the special unit for treating depression and psychotherapy
Psychotherapy for episodic and chronic depression, anxiety, relationship. Leading depression group therapy, working with relatives of patients, biofeedback, cognitive training, diagnostic assessments
Psychiatrische Klinik Zugersee: Sozialpsychiatrischer Dienst des Kanton Uri, Altdorf
Psychotherapist working with outpatients in "Fachstelle für Sozialpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie"
Psychiatrische Klinik Zugersee, Oberwil bei Zug
Postgraduate psychologist on the acute unit specialising in first episode psychoses
2015 –
Various trainings including IPT interpersonal psychotherapy, CBASP Cognitive Behavioural Analysis System of Psychotherapy, psychological diagnostics, MBSR Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
2018 – 2020
2-year training in emotion-focused therapy EFT with Prof. Dr. Leslie Greenberg at the institute for emotion-focused therapy, Bern.
2011 – 2015
Training in cognitive behavioral psychotherapy and method integration
Akademie für Verhaltenstherapie und Methodenintegration AIM, Bern
2004 – 2010
Undergraduate degree in Psychology and MSc in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Zurich University
Accreditation to work in a private practice as a psychotherapist in the Kanton of Zug (2017)
Professional Title
Fachpsychologin für Psychotherapie FSP (2015)
Eidgenössisch anerkannte Psychotherapeutin (2015)
lic. phil. / Master of Science MSc in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy; Universität Zürich (2010)
Assoziation Zuger Psychotherpeutinnen und Psychotherapeuten (aZP)
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Verhaltensmodifikation Schweiz (AVM-CH)